Chloƫ's Blog

Code First Girls is a non-profit organisation that provides free tech education to women in England. I recently signed up to one of the MOOC sprints to learn more about DevOps and Docker. The programme is for an hour each monday evening with a quiz and homework. I mainly watched the recordings rather than the live sessions, but here are my notes from the course as I work through it.

Table to contents here:

  1. Week 1: Introduction to DevOps and Docker
    1. DOCKER
    2. Thoughts and feelings of week 1:
  2. Week 2: Docker Command Basics
    1. Docker commands
    2. Thoughts and feelings of week 2
  3. Keywords / acronyms

Week 1: Introduction to DevOps and Docker

What is DevOps - a way to work in a software development team. Combination of 'development' and 'operations' in order to make things more streamline/faster and efficient in the process.

The DevOps Work Cycle

  1. Plan

  2. Develop

  3. Test

  4. Deploy

  5. Operate

and repeat

The point of the cycle is that you can go back to different stages if any issues come up.


Docker is a tool that allows us to containerise software/apps i.e. package up the code so that it can be safely moved from one environment to another. It's important because we often have dependencies (things we need to run some code) e.g. libraries, coding languages etc. Docker puts all what the code needs to run in one place that can be easily transferred to someone/something else. Coding is collaborative and being able to share code in a stable environment is important!

Docker is mainly used in the develop, test and deploy section of the DevOps cycle.

Container = the running instance that contains our software and its dependencies together. Key features:


Image = a template of the container (a set of instructions and requirements). Images can make multiple containers with all the same configurations.

Differences between image and a container = a container is a running instance of a Docker image

Dockerfile = a text file that contains instructions for your computer on how to build a Docker image.

Thoughts and feelings of week 1:

Really great to have an overview of words and phrases that are often thrown around or shielded by complex definitions. Having just a one hour session was a nice amount of time to go through the basics. I do feel more encouraged to carry on the course after the first session due to the pacing of the course and also the instructor being really knowledgeable and nice. The 4 question quiz was straightforward and easy to pass.

Week 2: Docker Command Basics

Introduction to the Command Prompt (Windows) / Terminal (Mac)

ls = list the files and folders in current directory \
cd = goes to a given directory \ 
mw (file original name) (file new name) = change name of file \\ 
rm (file name) = remove file \

Docker commands

docker run <image_name> = run an instance of a container from an image 
docker pull <imagename> = only pulls the image rather than also starting a container 
docker pull <imagename>:<tag> = tags allow you to specify a version of the image 
docker rmi <imagename> = fully deletes the image 

docker ps # lists all running containers and some basic info about them 
docker stop <ContainerID or ContainerName> # stops the container you specify 
docker rm <containername> # fully deletes the container 
docker run -p <hostport>:<containerport> <image> # allows you to map your computer's port to a container port 

docker ps -a

Thoughts and feelings of week 2

A very quick overview of some docker commands. The material was very easy but at the moment it doesn't have too much context too it (as this was just practice using command prompt).

Keywords / acronyms